Data transfer between Robcad and Process Simulate
Although in the past two decades Robcad has been widely used to validate industrial processes, the industry standard is currently Process Simulate. This is the preferred solution by the process validation departments due to its complex functionality that covers not only the process simulation part, but also robotic off-line programming and virtual commissioning.
As dynamic companies in the market are forced to adapt to new digital manufacturing technologies, there is a current need for data transfer between the two simulation solutions. Siemens facilitates this conversion with the help of an application that allows data migration between simulation software packages from the Tecnomatix suite.
The following video illustrates a simple way to convert and integrate Robcad cells into Process Simulate, while eliminating simulation recovery time, a task often encountered when migrating to a new software solution.
- Published in Articole
2D drawings in NX12
The current trend in industry is to design the components directly into the 3D assembly. To highlight all the geometric and qualitative features of a component it is imperative to develop 2D drawings in preparation for manufacturing. These will provide the manufacturer with all the necessary information in order to obtain compliant components.
In the development process of the 2D drawings, accuracy is a defining aspect. Current CAD systems combine the advantages of automated generated views and sections with the use of standard symbols, so the engineer can develop execution and assembly drawings faster.
The purpose of this video is to show how a 2D drawing can be developed and dimensioned, from an existing 3D model, using NX 12 from Siemens.
With a team of experienced specialists, Ada Computers offers mechanical engineering, mechanical design and 2D drawing services for the development of industrial equipment.
- Published in Noutăți
Stagii de practică în colaborare cu Universitatea Politehnică din București
ADA Computers a semnat un parteneriat cu Universitatea Politehnică din București, destinat creșterii nivelului de calificare al studenților și dezvoltării aptitudinilor de muncă, pentru o inserție mai rapidă pe piața muncii.
Studenți de la IMST și de la Facultatea de Automatică și Calculatoare, vor susține stagiul de practică în cadrul companiei ADA Computers, unde se vor familiariza cu standardele impuse de producătorii din industrie și vor avea oportunitatea să lucreze alături de specialiștii ADA cu noile tehnologii software pentru inginerie digitală din portofoliul Siemens PLM: Solid Edge, NX CAD/CAM, Plant Simulation și Process Simulate.
- Published in Noutăți